Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Earth Day is April 22nd

What will you do to celebrate Earth Day? This is a great time to talk about Global Awareness!

Last year when we talked about Earth Day we linked it to Global Awareness. This led to (among other things!) a celebration. Our unit lasted until Cinco de Mayo, so we decided to have a Fiesta!

Initially we started our "Earth Day" unit with conversations about recycling. We walked around the school and picked up trash. We read lots of books about our Earth and about recycling. We collected things from the cafeteria and took them back to our room. We washed and reused what we could from our collected "treasures." We took home what we could recycle. We discussed ways to reduce the amount of waste we created. It was a wonderful experience for all of us! Here are some pictures:

Painting on newspaper instead of easel paper :) (Kids in the background washing out spoons and yogurt cups so we can recycle them)

 Collage with recycled newspapers

 We are making a pinata! Mixing the ingredients.

Making the pinata (recycled newspaper strips over a large bouncy ball (that we popped after the newspaper strips were dry).

The kids loved doing this :)
Painting our "Earth"

Pinata time!

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