Take advantage of the cold weather and have some fun with science! Children are little scientists... they love to figure out how things work! We took blue and green paint and watered it down a lot... and then poured it into an ice cube tray. We placed the ice-cube tray outside and the children took guesses at what would happen overnight. The next morning when everyone arrived we went outside to retrieve our ice cube tray, and found that the colorful water was frozen solid! I placed some of the frozen cubes in a plastic bin for exploration, and some on a plate in the art center so the children could paint with them.
Spring is coming! What can you do in your classroom to take advantage of our last few weeks of freezing temps?
This is a great idea for a "work smart, not hard" activity because it's multi-functional. Not only is it a great observational science activity, but it's also a combo hands-on science/art activity!