Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Are you wondering what to focus on next? Watch this :)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Preschool Suspension and Expulsion - please watch this important video

If we aren’t teaching children how to behave, we aren’t equipping them with the emotional and social skills they will need for future success. We teach so many things...but when it comes to behaviors, instead of teaching we discipline and punishment. Let’s change our thinking on that, and make social/emotional development a priority in our classrooms. More coming soon!

Welcome Back!

Hey Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful summer, and that your program year is off to a great start! I’m looking forward to working together this year, and can’t wait to get out to each of your classrooms to see all of you!

One thing I’d like you to consider prior to my visit is this: How can I best serve you? My goal is to provide individualized support to each of you - in the same way that you individualize for the children in your classroom. Research tells us that everyone learns differently and needs different things to be successful, right? The Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) is not a one-size-fits-all program, and I never want you to feel as if it is. So, ponder what you need, and share that with me. I will do my best to meet you where you are and provide services that help you reach your goals! :)

Oh and hey...we have a new name! We’ve changed our name to better reflect what we do: Early Educator Support Office! Better...right?? Early Educator Support - the name says it all!

See you soon! :) :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blog Update

Hello everyone! Welcome to NC Teacher Resources, the blog I started many years ago!  This blog has been a great tool to help me provide information and resources to the teachers I serve. As you can see, I haven’t used it since 2013...but I plan to start using it again, so I wanted to provide you with the address. Some of the previous posts may be outdated, but hopefully there is useful information. I will be updating it and using it regularly, so check back soon for new information!

If you stop by...leave a comment and say hello!

For those of you finishing up for the year, I hope you have a wonderful summer! :)

Helpful Website with Great Resources

Hey everyone! The link below will take you to a wonderful resource! It’s the EESLPD Western Hub’s Website. Here you will find resources related to every aspect of the EESLPD. It’s really your one-stop shop for everything related to our work. I would recommend bookmarking it, and referring to it when you have questions, need resources, want to learn more, etc.

You can always contact me, as well!